Motherhood {The first months}


The way I feel about being a mom is indescribable. Honestly, words can’t do it justice, which is why it has taken me an hour and a half just to get the first two sentences written.

When our daughter was born I was in shock. I had just delivered a baby…and she’s OURS. All 5 pounds of her. Her dark hair, heart-shaped lips, and prominent eyebrows were just too much. It was truly love at first sight. Although all aspects of being a mom aren’t always what you want them to me be, it’s worth it. Of course you don’t want to be kept up most of the night, but when your baby is comforted by your nearness and the nourishment you provide, it gives you a sense of encouragement knowing that you are what your baby wants and needs. No mom wants her nipples to be so sore that she cringes while nursing in the first week or so, but knowing that you are giving your baby the ultimate “comfort food” and perfect nutrition makes it completely worth every sense of pain felt. Besides, it won’t be like that for long. You will nurse without any pain, you will sleep through the night…one day. One day soon.

Now that I’ve blinked -I was told not to do that- she’s not a newborn anymore. There really is nothing like a new baby. Their smell, the cuddles, their tininess, their yawns, the way they fall asleep while nursing, I could go on and on. But now, I sleep at night, my nipples have long healed, she goes to sleep when she’s laid down, and my husband and I spend a lot of time together. There are both great things and challenges in every stage of a baby’s life (that I’ve experienced so far). Some of the things we are currently enjoying are her big smiles, squeals, coos, laughs, the way she sucks her thumb, her excitement at being naked, the faces she makes, her cheeks…

These last four months of being a mom have been wonderful to say the least. Full of excitement, joys, challenges, and hard work. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love my sweet girl. I have THE BEST job in the world. A friend once told me that Motherhood looks good on me. Well, it feels good too.

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